Friday, December 21, 2012

SALT - What's it worth?

As millions of people around the world prepare to celebrate Chistmas, we here in the United States have faced yet another tradgedy.  It was shocking to learn of the events of Friday, December 14th at Sandy Hooks Elementary School in Newtown, CT.  A young man 20 years old broke into the school and gunned down six staff members and twenty students.  Twenty people lost their lives within a few minutes.

The reactions to this last shooting has been one of outrage, anger, sympathay and calculated silence.  President Obama has addressed the families that lost their family members, and the Congress will once again have to face the issue of guns in America.

People are asking where was God in all of this?  Why did he let this happen?  Why didn't he stop it?  These are all good questions and the answer is he was there, but we must not forget that each of us has free will.  We make decisions each and every day.  Often we forget that our decisions impact other people.  When people decide not to accept God's love and salvation, then they face the world without his complete protection.  As much as God loves each one of us he does not force us to accept his love or his salvation.  He allows each of us to make that choice for ourselves.  If we reject him he does not give up on us.  He continues to present us with times and opportunies to receive what he has for us.  When we continue to reject God we harden our hearts, which makes it harder for us to receive God's love.

The good news continues to be, that no matter what, God will be ready with open arms to receive us when we make the decision to receive what he has for us.  The young man who committed the horrible mass shooting in Newton may have totally rejected God's love, but God never rejected him or turned his back on those killed that day.  We will never know or understand why this happened, but I know it is not because God does not love the people who were lost, or that they did something wrong, that's not how God works.

As his children we must represent him here on Earth.  We are to have his characteristics, to be salt.  Salt heals and preserves, and flavors.  This is what we are to do in this world as we witness to people about God.   People need to know that he is our Healer.  He is our provider and he preserves us, and he flavors us to be more like him so that we can touch the world and be a blessing to each other and this world. 

What happened in Newtown was horrific.  It is hurtful and discouraging.  We all have been impacted by it, but in these times as in all times, those who love the Lord are called to be the salt of the Earth.

Bible Verse

Matthew 5:13

New International Version (NIV)

Salt and Light

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot

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