Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012 - The year I almost missed Christmas

  I almost missed Christmas this year.  How was this possible?  I was so busy, trying to get everything done, that I totally pushed Christmas out of my mind.  I tend to overbook myself.  It is a quality that I am trying to get under control.  I like being busy, being engaged, doing all sorts of things and that often leads me into overdrive and leaves me totally exhausted.

 I know believe this all started when I enrolled in a graduate study program with my school system and George Mason University.  It wasn't something I had planned to do.  I received an e-mail about the program, read it briefly and deleted from my work e-mail account.  A week or so later, I received the e-mail again.  I was slightly surprised by this, but have learned that when something I reject comes around again, it is worth a second look and more consideration.  To make a long story short because of my involvement with this program,  I have visited the site of a Freedman who owned much of the land which is now Elliott City, MD, have attended two Civil War Re-enactments, and have written a letter to my senator, that has been forward to the Department of Education for consideration.  This did not happen overnight, it took a lot of time, and will take more as the program does not end until the end of next spring.

I also decided to become involved in an outreach ministry in my church as well as the three year discipleship training program.  Both of which are excellent, but are also time consuming and at times demanding.

In October I attended two educational conferences where I made presentations, represented my union and won an award.  I was so tired by the end of October, that when my family learned that mom needed another surgery it hit us all very hard.  I was worn out. We were all angry and hurt.  We were angry because mom had been telling her doctor she was not feeling well, and basically he ignored her concerns and recommended treatment that made her condition worse instead of better.  It was only after she and my father found another doctor, and mom had to undergo more test, that we learned the truth, and time was not on her side.  I have never seen my father so angry, disappointed, and hurt.  I am just thankful that my parents had the option to find another health care professional.

Once we all recovered from our shock, angry, disappointment and hurt, we focused on what needed to be done for mom.  Her surgery date was set for early November.  She went through a number of tests preparing her for surgery.  Dad took her to appointment after appointment.  It was something that neither one of them enjoyed but it had to be done.  The week before her surgery mom became ill as did I.  When she went for her final pre-surgery appointment she was informed that she was not strong enough for surgery.  This hit us all hard too.  A delay.  We all wanted this nightmare of pain (mom was in severe pain) to be over, but there was nothing to do but wait and allow mom to fully recover from the cold she had.

It took dad staying on the phone with mom's healthcare providers, but her surgery was rescheduled to the second week of December.  There is an entire back story of my father dealing with insurance agencies, medicare, the hospital, housing for us while mom was hospitalized, transportation, me taking leave, my brother taking leave and flying in from Alabama, again, and endless other details that had to be taken care of by all of us to make sure mom was taken care of.  In the midst of all this, I still had to work and do a good job at it, continue on with my graduate program and church ministries and training.  I have learned more than once that everyday life does not stop just because you or someone you love is having health crisis.

It was three weeks before Christmas and I wasn't ready, wasn't ready at all. I hate
shopping in crowded malls and tend to slowly buy things all year long for Christmas presents.  This loathing of crowded noisy shopping malls allowed me to slowly put together eight gift baskets for my teachers and fellow members of my church discipleship class.  A dear friend invited me over one Saturday, and I finally started making my Christmas cards, before mom's surgery she overspent at a Family Christian Book Store sale, and I bought what she was going to return, and finally I finished my Christmas shopping at Bijoux Terne, a gift shop at Sinai Hospital where mom had her surgery and rehabilitation.  I was in good company, I learned that many of the hospital staff also shop at Bijoux Terne for their Christmas gifts, it is on my list of places to shop next year.

I do not know how I did it, but not only did I get the eight gift baskets done for my classmates, but twelve gifts for co-works, four for our neighbors, my parents, my brother, and a few close family friends. I also made 48 Christmas cards.  Twenty five of them were not sent out until Christmas Eve, and all arrived after Christmas, but I was determined not to miss Christmas.  I almost did, but in the end I managed to pull it together and get it done, even if I was a bit late.

The greatest thing about this Christmas for me was just being home for the holidays. I have enjoyed the time off from work, getting the much needed rest that I need.  Mom is recovering and we are all supporting her, and I have been slowly been able to get to some projects I have been desiring to do around the house.  Here in Maryland we have even had some snow.

I am just so thankful that God sent his only begotten son to be born and to intercede and die for you and me.  I hope each one of you is enjoying this holiday season.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Bible Passage

Psalm 103

New International Version (NIV)

Psalm 103

Of David.

Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

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