Monday, February 8, 2010

I Can Do Bad By Myself

I am not a big movie viewer, but since being snowed in due to the storm, I had the time to see one of Tyler Perry's films. I am not a huge fan of Tyler Perry's work, but I do think he tries to send a positive message and provide audiences, especially African American audiences, an alternative perspective in mass media. Well, I think Mr. Perry fell short with the DVD I just saw, "I can do bad by myself." I think Mr. Perry missed the mark on this film because it was not based on a well constructed story. Without a good story, movies do tend to be random scenes of media strung together, without making much sense. I appreciate his effort and the movie made some good points, but overall as a total project it was just a big dud.

The first thing I would of done is change the title to "I will do bad by myself." If we rely on what we know and think and feel, we will fall short every time. We need to lean on the wisdom and love of God to guide us. We do this by listening and obeying the people in our lives that love us, provide for us, and want the best for us. It also means that we may have to change our plans and do what is best for someone else. The number one thing is to read and know God's word. His word is perfect, even if we do not understand everything that we read, or take things out of context. Once we read his word we need to pray for understanding, wisdom and knowledge. Attending a Bible believing church, attending a Bible study, or reading books about the Bible are all helpful, but we must always take time to read the Bible and pray on our own.

Hebrews 4: 12-13 states it best

12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

So why should you do bad all by yourself? God is always present to provide all that you need. Read and obey the word of God and you will be blessed. Being blessed does not mean that you will not have any trouble, it means that God is with you during your trouble, and others will be blessed by your testimony wether you tell it, or just live it day by day. We are complete in Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, this is Joselyn. I enjoyed your insight into this and the fact that the Word of God is what uplifts us and sustains us. Too many people stress feelings too much, We must get pass our feelings and focus on obedience to God and His word despite our feelings. I really enjoyed this!