Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Is anything too hard for the Lord? It is a question that the Lord asked Abraham. It is an interesting question, but the Lord asked Abraham this question at a very pivotial time in Abraham's life. You see God had called Abraham to leave his people, his land and all they he knew to follow God and start a new nation.

Abraham had done what God had asked but he had made some mistakes along the way. The first mistake was not completely following what God had told him to do. God told him to leave his family and go to establish a new nation. Well his nephew Lot tagged along. I don't believe it was Abraham's idea, and he probably loved his nephew, but he should have asked God about it or better yet, just said no. Why? That's easy, Lot caused Abraham all kinds of trouble, but I have to give Lot credit, he was smart, he realized that Abraham was blessed, and by just being around Abraham he was also blessed, but he wasn't wise enough to stay out of trouble, or to keep Abraham from being impacted by his mistakes.

The second mistake Abraham made was being afraid of someone he thought was more powerful and rich than he was. While traveling through Egypt, the Pharoh noticed how beautiful Abraham's wife, Sarah, was and wanted her for his very own. When questioned about Sarah Abraham said Sarah was his sister instead of his wife. So, Pharoh took Sarah for his wife. Before Pharoh could get all close and personal God came to Pharoh, now remember Pharoh did not believe in Abraham's God and this was way before Moses's time, and told him if he touched Sarah he and his kingdom would be in big trouble. What God said worked because Pharoh wasted no time giving Sarah back to Abraham, plus gave him gold, goods, and servants (this is where Hagar probably came from) and told him to get through Egypt and along his way. Pharoh may have been over a whole kingdom, and entire army, and weathly, but God, who called Abraham made all that Pharoh had. To God Pharoh was a small fry, but to Abraham he was a moutain. Abraham should of been focused on God instead of Pharoh and that's how he made his second crucial mistake.

Abraham's thrid mistake was listening to bad advice from someone he trusted, his wife Sarah. You see, God had promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation, the only problem was he and Sarah had no children because she was barren. The Bible always focuses on Abraham, but I want to put the spot light on Sarah for just a moment. Okay, she was young and in love with a man who loved her, but moved her from place to place, and gave her away to an Egyptian king. Then she had to set by and watch while other women (mainly her maid servants) get married and had children and were so happy, and she was happy too, at first, but then year after year, it was always someone else having a baby, always someone else's turn. Sarah had a husband, she had wealth, she appeared to have everything but the one thing she truly wanted, children. The pain and isolation she must of felt must at times been overwhelming. Sarah wasn't crazy, even in her time people knew that women only had a certain amount of time to have children, and as the years went by Sarah's pain probably only increased and the promise God had made to her husband must of felt like a cruel joke.

Was it Abraham's promise alone? Why would God promise Abraham something and not Sarah? Abraham and Sarah were married,so that means that they were one, so the promise was to both of them, but why would God make a promise and then not bless them with children?

The Bible does not say that Sarah prayed, but I get the impression that God never spoke to Sarah, because it is not recorded in the Bible. I am also beginning to think that Abraham did not speak to Sarah about the things that hurt her heart because Sarah doubted God's promise. She was focused on the natural, just as Abraham had done in Egypt. Abraham set a bad example for Sarah, and apparently never addressed it with her because she did the same thing he did. She took her eyes off God and placed them on what is humanly possible,and she knew she could never have a child, and after years of pain, disappointment, and isoluation, and a lack of teaching and compassion she came up with a plan to make sure God's promise came true.

I don't know exactly what Sarah was going through, but I have a very good idea. I've known this story almost my whole life, but as each year passes, I understand it more and more. Sarah loved her husband and being childless was very painful for both of them. The Bible does not directly state this, but it is implied through the the things that were said and the actions that were taken. Sarah decided to have her maid servant Hagar sleep with Abraham and have a child through her. It was Sarah's plan, but Abraham went along with it. Why? Now that's the million dollar question. Was it because Hagar was so beautiful? Was it because Abraham lacked faith himself? The plan made sense to him. I am sure Abraham was very hurt by not having children as well. Pain and disappointment are two hard things to face, and it is something this couple had dealt with for years.

Abraham agreed to Sarah's plan because he wanted God's promise. He wanted a son. He wanted children so badly, and had waited so long for them, that this plan seemed to make sense to him. No one stopped and asked God's opinion about it. I can imagine they were both angry with God in a way. They probably felt God forgot about his promise to them, and that hurt too. We have to be careful when we are in pain. Our judgement is off and we may make bad decisions. It's best to step back and get all the facts first, and pray and listen to what God has to say.

The plan Sarah had turned out to be a mess, but I believe Abraham opened up the door for Sarah's unbelief, and it was also in Egypt that they got Hagar. If Abraham had kept his eyes on God while they were in Egypt, he would never have lied and said Sarah was his sisiter. Once again the Bible does not have any record of how Sarah felt about any of this. I am sure she was extremely fearful, so that seeds of fear and unbelief were planted by her husband.

Now years later God appears to Abraham again and there are three men (who are really angels, but we find that out later). I don't know why God sent three angels to Abraham, maybe it was to save his cousin Lot (antoher story) but he did and while they were there God told Abraham that he would return the same time the next year and that Sarah would have a son. Sarah over heard this and laughed. She was worn out (even though she had a good life) and she and her husband were way past the age of having children.

God heard Sarah laugh and ask Abraham why she laughed. Let's stop here for a moment. God did not ask Sarah why she laughed, he asked Abraham. The text goes one, but this is just a reminder how importarnt the marriage relationship is to God. Two become one. Sarah then spoke up for herself and lied and said she did not lie. After all her years, she still did not truly understand who God was or his character. God knows everyhting, why would she lie? Maybe because she had seen her husband lie. I wish she had said, "I laughed because after years of disappointment and pain, I don't have the strengh, to believe anymore, this whole thing has hurt me to my core." If she had said that it would of been at least true. It's one of the few times Sarah speaks in this whole story,and the only time she speaks directly to God, and she blows it. I would of screamed out my pain and disappointment. I would have cried my eyes out, but I wouldn't have lied. She lied because she was afraid. I understand that. Fear was something she knew very well, so her reaction, in truth, was natural. Then for the first time (at least recorded in the Bible) God speaks directly to Sarah and tells her she lied. Wow! If God appears to me, and then speaks to me, I don't want him to say that I lied.

My point is, that each us have been through situations, or currently facing a situation which has caused us much pain and disappointment. We may feel that God has forgotten us and his promises and his word is not true. I have heard pastors preach about Abraham and Sarah many times and many of them have said the reason God waited so long to give Abraham and Sarah their promise is because God wanted everyone to know that he does the impossilbe. We also have well meaning people in out lives who love us, who believe they are being helping, but in some ways cause us more pain, and may indeed give us advise, that sounds good, but not the way God has planned to bless us. How do we know what to do? How do we know if what we have in our heart is from God, or just wishful thinking on our part? Honestly, the best thing I can tell you is continue to pray, read God's word and make no decisions in haste. One thing I can say for sure is that God has not forgotten you,and that God does not lie. If he said it, it will come to pass. You have to keep believing and do the best job of what God has given you to do until his promise is fufilled and the even after that.

Gensis 18 is just part of Abraham and Sarah's story, be sure to read it all and pray about it so you can be blessed. Any pain and disappointment you have, give it to God, he can handle it. Nothing is impossible for God.

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