Friday, January 4, 2013

Back To Life, Back to Reality

In 1989, the British Soul singing group released a single titled "Back to Life (However do you want me).  This song became popular in the United Kingdom and the United States. It is a song I remember, and it was a time in my life when I had to get back to reality, as I spent my last semester at Penn State in a study abroad program in San Herman, Puerto Rico.  It was a wonderful experience that I treasure, but I was graduating from Penn State, my family was moving to , of all places Selma, AL, and I had to find a job.  The fantasy I had been living as an exchange student was over, as was my undergraduate career.  I of course, I was very happy that I had finished my degree, but the reality of it was I now had join the real world.

I feel the very same way this week.  I have returned to work after a very restful and peaceful winter break.  I remember sitting in my little room in my over sized yellow leather chair with my legs up on the ottoman looking out the window and reading and snoozing for hours.  What a luxury!  I had not done that in months and it felt so good.  I had time just to sit and read and dream, and think and relax.  I could not have had a better day if I had been on a cruise ship in the Caribbean or heading to Alaska.

I was glad to return to work.  On break I tend to sleep too much, eat too much, and spend too much money.  The reality comes in the mail as a bill, or stepping on the scale and watching it in denial inch up.  Overall, I was pretty good this year, but there is nothing like just being at home relaxing.

Returning to work means returning to a hectic schedule.  My very first day back I forgot a union meeting I had to attend after work and I had planned dinner with friends.  Oops.  What was I thinking?  I forgot to check my work calendar when I was at home on break.  I am used to overbooking myself, so I made a few adjustments, an e-mail and a phone call and I was able to handle both.  I have another meeting tomorrow (Saturday) and right now I don't want to go.  I just want to stay home, but this meeting is about the budget of the school system and since my program is always under act to be cut, it is important that I go.  Next week there is testing that I have to proctor, a return to my class at church, and free yoga classes to consider as well a play about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. premiering.

The next week I have three professional development trainings to attend, a weekend workshop I signed up for, and a staff meeting.  The following week is the Inauguration of President Obama which I am attending, but it takes planning to do so.  Hmm!  Just writing all this stuff down I am getting tired.  Between the things I have to do, and the things I want to do, I feel stretched at best, overwhelmed and stressed at my worst.  I miss winter break all ready!  It was a time when time seemed to stand still and I was able to catch my breath.

I am still reading the book of Matthew and as I read the end of chapter 11, I read three verses that  I have read before, but have given me renewed hope.

Matthew 11:28-30

New International Version (NIV)
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

So, with these words from Matthew I will take a step back and exhale and make needed adjustments so I will not run myself crazy.  I have found that when I read God's word and spend time alone with him one-on-one, the result is peace and wisdom.

If you feel stressed and overwhelmed already in 2013, take it from me, don't waste our time or energy, instead, just go to Jesus

For you 1980's music fans, the link for the video of "Back to Life" is below.  The lyrics were simple and fun.

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