I spent spring break 2010 in Los Angeles, well officially Van Nuys, CA. I had decided to go last year when I was in San Diego for a conference. California is a beautiful state and I was determined to return and see my family and spend time with a dear friend of mine. I used the Internet to try to plan my trip, but found it overwhelming, there are so many wonderful things to do in the Los Angeles area. I decided that I wanted to be on a television show and learned that "The Price Is Right" was taping while I was in town, so I got an online ticket. I have never been on a taping of a television show, so I was very excited about it. I told my family and friends about it and they were excited for me.
I landed at LAX four weeks later. I had a lovely time in LA, with the one dark spot of not being able to see my family. It just seemed as if they could not fit me into their schedule. It hurt me deeply, but I let the hurt and disappointment go quickly so it would not burn and scar me. I also lived through an earthquake for first time, which was just a bit scary.
On Monday morning, April 5th, my last full day in California I got up at 5:00 am. It was raining and very chilly. I was planning to catch two buses to west Hollywood, but my friend did not want me out in the rain so we left her home in Van Nuys at 6:00 am, and she dropped me off at CBS Studio at 6:50 am. I walked through the gates, went through security, and walked up to a table with three 20 something people sitting at in red CBS blazers. I pulled out my Internet ticket as I approached the table. One of the people at the table told me that the audience was almost at capacity for the 12:30 pm taping and gave me a red ticket with the number 229 on it and told me to return at 8:30 am.
I left the CBS lot and walked a few blocks to the Farmers Market, the only place in the area open that early in the morning. There were people about walking who were also planning to be a part of "The Price is Right." I walked around the market place. Most of the stores were not open yet and I enjoyed walking around looking through windows. I found a restaurant and walked in. Immediately, a tall young man spoke to me. I knew he was speaking to me, but I could not figure out why. I was so taken aback, that I could not figure what he was saying. Then a woman who was sitting at the same table as the man spoke to me. I understood her right away. She saw me at the CBS Studio and asked me to join their group so we would have a large enough group to get guaranteed seating on "The Price is Right". I smiled, introduced myself, sat down, and ordered breakfast.
We returned to CBS, I was given a lime green custom made "Price Is Right" t-shirt by our group leader, and then all of us (6 more people were recruited) waited to see if we were going to be on the show. We waited and after about an hour we finally got the official confirmation that we were going to make the taping. We were outside under an overhang and it was pouring rain and the temperature went down. We were all freezing, but so happy we were going to be on the show. Then the staffers of the show came around to all of us and checked our IDs, and gave us that famous "Price is Right" name tag. We then had to stand in line in numeric order. Every hour we stood in line, I ran to the bathroom, which was an adventure in itself.
There where over 300 people in line and everyone was happy to be outside in the rain, freezing and trying their best to be animated so we might have the great chance to be selected as a contestant on the show. I have to tell you after several hours freezing in pouring rain, with frizzy hair it is very hard to be animated but we all did our very best for the entire time we were in line. We were divided into groups of ten about 11:00 am, a producer spoke to each one of us for about 30 - 60 seconds. I put on my best smile and tried to look and sound happy. The producer gave me 15 seconds and moved on to the next person. Two of the friends I met that were also recruited to my group also only got 15 seconds. We all knew we were not selected to be contestants. It was a disappointing feeling, but we were all glad we were going to be on the show.
We then had to check our cell phones and cameras because they were not allowed in the studio. More waiting in line, and then finally through some double doors, up some steps, and in a quick moment we had arrived. I saw "The Price Is Right" set. It looked old (1970's) and a bit cheesy and it was a small studio. We were directed to our seats and they were in the back right-hand corner of the studio. After everything we were in the back of this tiny studio with half of the stage blocked from view due to this huge hanging camera.
The show announcer game out and everyone screamed and clapped. He told us to take our seats and gave us about 10 minutes of instructions. I could hardly see the set due to the five huge cameras on stage and a camera person for each one. The there were these young (20 something) producers that came out on stage and told us when to clap, what to yell, and when to sit. We had to practice all of this before the show started. Finally, Drew Carey, came out on stage. The crowd went wild. Personally, I like Bob Barker, so I clapped but I did not yell and scream for Drew Carey. He seemed tired and bored to me, but he was engaging and funny and talked to a few people in the audience. He made it real clear that he did not like LA and that he was from Cleveland, OH.
The show started and we were instructed to clap and so on. People were called to be contestants. The stage was so small, with so many people on it that I could not see the contestants or the prizes half the time and I got tired of clapping, yelling and smiling, hoping that the hanging camera would come our way. Drew Carey made a number of mistakes, but was treated like royalty, and he acted like it as well. The the taping took about 50 minutes and then it was over. We were showed the way out. I was exhausted and glad it was all over.
I am happy I was on "The Price it RIght" the episode I was on will air on May 3rd while I am at work. I have no desire to be on another taping of a television show, it's better to watch them from home, with all the mistake edited out and no standing in line waiting hoping to be chosen to be on the show and then a contestant. I remember thinking during the taping that being at the taping was a lot like being at church. The producers that told us when to clap, yell, and what to yell reminded me of a praise team at church encouraging the congregation to praise and worship the Lord.
I have thought about that day several time since. How I had gotten a ticket online a month ahead of time, how I had to plan to get to the studio, how I was almost turned away, how I joined a group of people I had never met before to make sure I got on the show, waited in line for 3 and and a half hours in the cold rain, and checked my cell phone and digital camera, and then had to sit in the back corner of the studio where the camera man seldom pointed the camera in our direction. All of that and it was over in a flash of an eye.
I have made a conclusion that I rather be in church than on a taping of a television show any day of the week. I also realized that I don't have to wait in line, Jesus is always right here waiting to provide the love, support, and wisdom I need. I don't have to act a certain way to be accepted by Jesus, I can be the person he created me to be. I think it is very exciting to win money, great prizes, and trips to beautiful places all over the world, and wonderful things to receive, but small in comparison to receiving Jesus as my Savior.
I accepted Jesus as my Savior as a very young child. I did so because of my parents' love and teaching. It is because of them that I accepted Jesus, but it is because of my personal relationship with him that I have lived my life as his child. There have been times when I have wondered if I made the right decision so long ago, and every single time, I know that I have because his love and concern is so good and sweet.
If you have not received Jesus as your Savior, I encourage you to do so. If you need more information about who Jesus is, I encourage you to read the first 5 chapters of the New Testament in the Bible. Attend a Bible believing church, and pray. Once you have decided you want Jesus as your Savior, when you pray say, "Jesus I know that you are the son of God, and I receive you as my Savior and I thank you for my Salvation. You have saved me for all my sins." It is so important that you fellowship with true Christians at a church, so you can grow in Christ. As you pray, ask God to lead you to the right church for you. Consider this blog posting as recruiting you to join the family of God. You don't have to wear a funny t-shirt, or wait in line for hours, our act a certain way, Jesus is always available to you, and there are many churches that are in your area where you can attend and grow, no tickets are necessary, so attend on Sundays and be blessed.
1 comment:
Totally loved your description of your experience.
I agree, church is a much better place to be.
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